

 These steps offer a broad foundation in how to get started if you are thinking about renovating your home. Gather your ideas • Watch renovation shows (but don't trust the timelines as a lot can happen during commercials). • Visit web sites that show renovated areas which are similar to what you have in mind for your renovation. • Visit showhomes in the city to get ideas. • Research professional renovators to find one who has all the credentials with a proven track record. Meet your chosen renovator for an in-home consultation • Let your renovator know your thoughts and ideas for your home. • At this point, a good renovator can also coach you on a good stop / start point for your renovation. • The key to a successful renovation is to seamlessly incorporate renovated areas into existing areas. • This meeting should end with aligned expectations on budget and vision of the project. Are you ready to take the next step? • Is your budget and the renovator's ballpark price aligned? •

Mary's Story

 We have had quite a year! No one ever could ever have predicted the way that our whole world would change in a matter of just a few months. Each of us thinks that our circumstances are so unusual and have never happened before. I have been thinking a lot about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and how she experienced so many parallels to us. She must have felt similar to how we are feeling. Ponder this: Shock - Imagine the shock when this teenaged girl found out that she was pregnant and yet hadn't been with a man. We too were shocked to hear that a pandemic would close down the whole world for a period of time. Confusion - Mary likely didn't know what to do or how she would deal with the idea of being a parent. We not only have been confused by the COVID-19 but also by the mixed messaging we have been receiving from media, health officials, and loved ones regarding how to protect ourselves and others. Conspiracy - Imagine how Mary was treated when she stated that she was a virgin wh


 Well, we are entering Easter week - a time when Christians throughout the world celebrate! But there are many different perspectives and practices for those who claim to be Christian. Here are some of versions that I have heard Brel were asked if there is a God in their life: Absolutely not! Some people believe that all we have is today and there is no afterlife. Responsibility for one's success and failures therefore lies within each person who makes choices and then, when it is time to die, they just go to sleep. I have the denomination of my family. Reginald Bibby, author of "Fragmented Gods" reports that many people view religion as a la cart services for weddings, funerals and baptisms only. When asked about their faith they often respond by naming the denomination of their grandparents. I used to believe but... It is difficult for some who think that God should give them everything that they want and then realize that isn't the way things work. Many question